IMI Games – Corporate Wellness

March 12, 2023 2023-03-20 0:48

IMI Games

What do we address?

We address two burning issues in the workforce. Both Illness and burnout incur heavy costs to the industry.





Direct Costs

Direct costs are due to

  • Wages paid to absent employees.
  • High-cost replacement workers Administrative costs of managing absenteeism
  • Poor quality of goods/services resulting from
    • Overtime
    • Fatigue
    • Understaffing
  • Reduced productivity
  • Safety issues
    • inadequately trained employees filling in
    • rushing to catch up

These add-upto nearly $ 1685 per worker in a year.

Indirect cost due to worker attrition and replacement

Such costs could be attributed to

  • Recruitment
    • Advertising
    • Interviewing
    • Screening
    • Hiring
  • Onboarding
    • Training
    • Management
  • Lower level of productivity of new workers

Every time a business replaces a salaried employee it costs nearly 6 months’ salary of the recruited worker

IMI Games

What do we propose?

We propose gamifying healthy behaviour through an institution-wide tournament revolving around a “wellness factor” feeding directly into the scores of a leader board.
The wellness factor depends on the performance on various health challenges an individual takes-up

What does this include?

We propose gamifying healthy behaviour through an institution-wide tournament revolving around a “wellness factor” feeding directly into the scores of a leader board.

The wellness factor depends on the performance on various health challenges an individual takes-up

The health challenges include

  • A gamified step-counter
  • An Augmented Reality based Exergame
  • A Dietary Journal
  • Digitized Anxiolytic Mental Exercises

Information about individual risk factors, personal affinities and concerns are learnt through questions interspersed inbetween different game segments of the tournamemt.

Information thus gathered will be used to

  1. Recommend a personalized battery of screening tests, ensuring that no money or time is wasted on unnecessary investigations and the salient ones are done
  2. To individually tailor brief advices to align with personal affinities and concerns to maximise compliance
  3. To generate a company-level risk factor profile

What’s unique about our wellness solution?

Our product represents the perfect marriage between evidence based public health practices and social psychology to ensure high levels of engagement and maximum effectiveness.

Sound public health approach

The impact of a proposed intervention on health of a group depends on the magnitude of the addressed health issues and the efficacy of the solution.


Each disease to be prioritized, and each behavioral or environmental risk factor to be addressed through the intervention will be decided according to the country specific risk profile of the given to the age group and gender.
This will ensure that the most prevalent and salient risk factors are addressed while keeping solely opinion-based decision off the table.

Evidence based social psychology at work

The uptake of proposed solutions in a group depends on the social psychology principles underpinning the interventions.
Therefore, the out corporate wellness solution has been designed on solution must adhere to best practices in social psychology to ensure optimal uptake.

Graph 1

Percentage who’d readily pick-up health challenges

Graph 2

Percentage who’d readily pick-up a hyper-casual game challenge

Graph 3

Percentage who’d readily pick-up a health challenge once committed to the process

IMI Games

Individualized Approach

Individually tailored Health Advices

Information about personal affinities and behavioral risk factors, extracted from mini-quizes will be used to design and deliver individually tailored health advices

This process of extracting information from an individual to craft person-specific health advices is known as “Brief Advices”; 

an extremely efficient behavioral modification technique based on transtheoretical model in behavioral psychology

Recommending tailor-made screening packages

Answers in mini-quizzes will be analysed to identify the user’s specific health risk profile.

An individualized screening battery would be suggested when it is deemed useful, based on this user specific risk profile.

This will be superior to traditional one-size-fits-all biochemical screening test batteries as it

  • Prevents the waste of money in doing investigations with a very low yield
  • Detects simple correctible conditions leading to low productivity/ attendance / morale


In a nutshell, we aim to…

  • Address worker burnout
    • By improving workplace social dynamics through an e-sports tournament within the institution.
  • Improve worker health by
    • Introducing a set of health challenges to create an inclusive culture to promote positive behavioral changes at workplace, leveraging social cognition
    • Suggesting screening tests (where necessary) based on user specific risk profile
      Designing and delivering “Brief Advices” according to the transtheoretical theory in behavioral psychology to elicit a positive behavioral change
    • Assessing the institutional level risk profile and suggesting possible institutional level interventions



